Hello, nice that you are here on my website Diamond Grid.
In recent years I have worked with diligence on these beautiful creations especially for you.
With the aim of helping you on your Spiritual Path and with Spiritual Growth.
These creations arose after my spiritual awakening whereby the Divine spark (our life force energy) spontaneously activated within my heart. I was enlightened, it was a miracle.
It all started with a mental collapse in August 2012. I could no longer cope with the large amount of negativity in my head.
I lay down in bed and completely surrendered to myself by forgiving. And then it happened.
Like a sun or star that energized and shone with great power healing energy from my heart throughout my body. I was enlightened.
I lived in this heavenly energy for at least a month. But then slowly I became how I was before.
A half year later I survived a spirit of fear. It was a dangerous time for me, but I got help from friends and family.
After that my spiritual journey really started and my inner connection with the Divine Mother.
It was also the time of birth of the art creations you can see on this website.
Through channeling, the first creation began to come through a year after my awakening. They are activations for those who resonate with it. On my path of self-development and alchemy, I have been allowed to let go and transform a lot of low energy.
When making these creations is a healing time for me. It is a piece of myself but also a message from The Universe to you.
Look closely at the creations and feel which creation activate something in you.
Symbols always have multiple meanings, and you can feel for yourself what it means to you.
My creations are channels with symbols, colors and patterns. The different symbols in the creations do not mean that I follow a particular religion or group. But show that the universal doctrine (the basis) of all religions is the same. It is about the rebirth of the soul, the five elements air, fire water, earth and space. The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies and the power of Kundalini (Azoth). The symbols of Mercury and Venus have an important role in my work. Mercury symbolizes the entity of the sexual energy. The power that we humans possess to create new life. If Mercury merges with Venus, she symbolizes Love, the woman, chastity/purity, then a clean and pure sexual energy arises. This energy is in line with the soul. The way to do that is to work in the body with the five elements. Balance the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies and raise the serpent (Kundalini). Both Mercury and Venus have a reflection with Christ consciousness. Christ has the sun as a symbol. Christ is Universal Unconditional Love. The goal of alchemy is to turn lead into gold. That is, we symbolically transform our earthly bodies (lead) and make celestial bodies (Gold). Bodies of the sun (Christ), Bodies of the stars (Mercury) and transformation of the Ego. Of course this is God's work🕊 The capital Letter 'G' is a symbol for the Master G that works through me when I make these creations.
It is the Holy Spirit / Higher Self where knowledge (Gnosis) comes from.
The rainbow in my artwork symbolizes the bridge between heaven and earth, the seven chakras, the seven bodies and the power of Kundalini (the serpent). Azoth is the Kundalini in Hebrew. The colors in my work also have different symbolic meanings. For me, color is a symbol of love. The love that is connected as a network through all cells in the body.
To create the best version of self.
The rebirth of the Soul and with that energy do something good on our beautiful planet.
Diamond Grid Art
©️ 2024